Corina Pascu
Corina Pascu is cybersecurity expert with European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) in Athens, where she covers cybersecurity certification and cybersecurity research and innovation.
Prior to her assignment in Athens, Corina worked with the European Commission Directorate General Research and Innovation, on the formulation of European Open Science policies, European Open Science Cloud EOSC and Open Science diplomacy (co-chair of the G7 Open Science Working Group).
She also worked with European Commission’s in-house Science Hub on Sevilla site, on the social and economic implications of ICTs and digital innovations in society and digital economy.
She has extensive international and multicultural exposure, analytical mind forged in think tanks and international expert panels on digital innovations. ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9068-5271, Scopus (author ID: 54889553600), https://op.europa.eu/en/home).
She holds a master’s degree in Economics of Telecommunications from UNED Spain, a master of science’s degree in Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering from Polytechnics University in Bucharest and certificate in Statistics with Cornell University, USA. Corina speaks English, Spanish, French, and Romanian.