Cornel Călinescu
While working with the Romanian Ministry of Justice, I was also in charge with various international cooperation mechanisms. I had the privilege to act as Head of the Romanian Delegation to GRECO (Council of Europe’ network dealing with fighting corruption), while being also involved as expert and evaluator for UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) review mechanism and OECD ACN. Countries of South Eastern Europe designated me among the first anticorruption experts to be members in the Academic Advisory Board of IACA (International Anticorruption Academy).
I was also directly involved in technical assistance projects for countries of South Eastern Europe. I was involved in establishing the Regional Secretariat of the Stability Pact Anticorruption Initiative, in Sarajevo. This was an important part in transferring the ownership towards the region of various donor-based initiatives. The focus was on Western Balkans area and benefitted of the USAID and ABA CELLI support. In 2007 I joined a project-based team in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova to implement a 3 years project financed by European Commission dealing with fighting corruption and money laundering.
Upon my return to Romania, in 2009 I continued to work in crime prevention area with a more focused approach on criminal assets tracing and recovery. I was involved in establishing the first Asset Recovery Office in Romania and worked on building its capacity until reaching the level of a fully operational Agency with a multidisciplinary approach, acting as focal point for Romania, both at EU and global level.
Currently I am the Head the Romanian Asset Recovery & Management Agency, established in 2015 based on EU and US best practices. ANABI currently manages assets with a value exceeding 200 mil EUROs and it is recognised as a good practice for combining the mandate of providing support to law enforcement and judiciary with the attributes of international cooperation, tracing criminal assets, management of high value seized items & social reuse of confiscated assets.