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  /  Florin Popescu

Florin Popescu

Florin Popescu is Associate Professor PhD. Eng. Ec. at the National Defense University Carol I / Dep. Information Systems and Cyber Defense, has a PhD. at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest and is acting as expert (EX2020D386217) to assist the European Commission in evaluating the European Industrial Development (EDIDP) and the European Defense Fund (EDF).

Starting from 2022, he was accepted as expert within European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) – Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education. He is also acting within EOSC Future User Group as expert to co-design EOSC Future services and solutions. He is reviewer for internationally recognized publications such as SAGE Publishing, United Kingdom and IGI Global Discovery, USA. The results of the research were disseminated to prestigious international publishers who work closely with expert researchers and professionals from top institutions, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Harvard University, Stanford University.