Ioan Bacivarov
Ioan C. Bacivarov (MSc in Telecommunications, 1971; PhD in Reliability Engineering,1978) is:
- Professor Emeritus at the Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology Faculty from the University Politehnica of Bucharest and Director of the EUROQUALROM – ETTI laboratory
- Invited Professor at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Ziirich (Switzerland), Grenoble National Politechnical Institute (INPG), ISTIA-University of Angers (France) and University of West Scotland (U.K.)
- Visiting Professor at ENSAM Paris (France), Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona (Spain), Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy), University of Lisbon (Portugal), University of Piraeus (Greece) a.o.
- President of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (RAISA) and President of the NTC-IEC „Dependability”. Member of the Steering Committee of the Romanian Association for Quality Assurance (SRAC)
Main areas of research and educational expertise:
- Engineering and management of the dependability (reliability, maintainability, security/safety, survivability) of complex technical systems – esp. electronic and telecommunications systems;
- Quality assurance, certification, engineering, education and management;
- Construction and technology of electronic components and systems
Prof. Bacivarov has important contributions to the development of higher technical education in this domain, by introducing graduate and postgraduate educational programs in the field of quality and dependability (since 1973):
- 14 new graduate courses introduced at ETTI-UPB, development and coordination of the postgraduate educational program: Quality, reliability and maintainability of complex systems– UPB (1973-2008), development and coordination of the Master programs in Quality and Reliability Engineering (1996-2006) and Quality and Dependability in Electronics and Telecommunications (since 2006)
- Over 220 papers published in international journals and C\conference Proceedings ; co-author of 18 books; coordination over 60 national and European research contracts in the field
- Editor-in-Chief of the journals Quality Assurance, Quality- Access to Succes; Editorial Council Chairman of the International Journal of Information Security and Cybercrime (IJISC), Editor for Europe of Quality Engineering (USA)
- Member of the International Advisory Editorial Boards for several international journals including: Reliability Engineering & System Safety and Maintenance Management International (Elsevier Applied Science, UK), The Quality Observer (USA); Forum Qualite Scientifique (Canada) a.o.
- Scientific Chairman of the International Quality and Reliability CCF conferences (since 1992) and Member of the Programme Committees for European Safety and Reliability Conferences ESREL, of MMR, ESREF,PSAM and QUALITA international conferences (since 1996)
- Member of The New York Academy of Science, the Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Multinational Alliance for the Advancement of Organisational Excellence (MAAOE) and American Society for Quality (ASQ).
- Romanian representative for the committees “Education and training” and „Dependability” of the European Organization for Quality (EOQ) and Member of the Steering Committee of the European Program in Quality of Complex Integrated Systems (EPIQCS)
- Mentioned in Who’s Who in the World and Who’s Who in World Quality